Public Natures: Evolutionary Infrastructures by Michael A. Manfredi and Marion Weiss

Public Natures: Evolutionary Infrastructures by Michael A. Manfredi and Marion Weiss


Author(s): Michael A. Manfredi, Marion Weiss
With a foreword by Barry Bergdoll and contributions from Kenneth Frampton, Preston Scott Cohen, Felipe Correa, Keller Easterling, Paul Lewis, Hashim Sarkis, Nader Tehrani
Design: Project Projects

9.8 x 7.7 x 1.4 inches
376 pages

As elements of the built landscape, works of infrastructure are a means rather than an end. Our cities' rail lines, bridges, highways, waterways and off-ramps are essential in a practical sense, but dead in a social one because they create boundaries that prevent one metropolis from physically connecting with another. Yet their very physical presence reveals hidden qualities key to revitalizing urban life. In Public Natures, New York City-based firm WEISS/MANFREDI tests such possibilities by crafting a hybrid manifesto/monograph filled with essays, roundtable discussions, and recent projects that explore new opportunities for infrastructure.

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